Fingerboard Trick List – Over 120 Tricks!
Here is a list of nearly every fingerboard trick you can learn. One thing to note is that there are new tricks that get added to the list, and you can technically create more tricks by combining two or more of these tricks together. You could have an infinite number of tricks; however, these only become tricks when it is possible for someone to perform them. To save space and avoid listing thousands of “possible” trick combinations, we’ve included only a few combination tricks. Save this page and come back to this fingerboard trick list to figure out what trick you want to learn next. Here is your ultimate fingerboarding trick list:
Air Tricks
Ollie: The most fundamental trick by popping the tail of your board down with your back finger.
Nollie: Like an ollie, but pop the nose of your board down with your front finger.
Fakie Ollie: Essentially a switch nollie.
Fakie Nollie: Essentially a switch ollie.
180 Ollie: Ollie and spin the board half a rotation.
360 Ollie: Ollie and spin the board one full rotation.
540 Ollie: Ollie and spin the board one and a half rotations.
720 Ollie: Ollie and spin the board two full rotations.
900 Ollie: Ollie and spin the board two and a half rotations.
1080 Ollie: Ollie and spin the board three full rotations.
Nollie Spins: Perform a 180, 360, 540, 720, 900, or 1080 spin after a nollie.
Ollie North and Ollie South: Ollie and twist your hand either forward or backward to point your board perpendicular to the ground.
Super Ollie: Ollie kickflip and land as a nose manual.
Nollie North and Nollie South: Nollie and twist your hand either forward or backward to point your board perpendicular to the ground.
Super Nollie: Nollie kickflip and land as a nose manual.
Nollie Flip: A nollie with a backfoot kickflip.
Wallie: After a wallride, ollie off of the wall.
Shove-It: Ollie and scoop the board with your back finger to rotate it 180 degrees.
Pop Shove-It: A shove-it with the board reaching a greater height, usually over an obstacle.
360 Shove-It: A shove-it while adding one more half-turn for a full 360-degree rotation.
Shove-It Underflip: Ollie and do a 360 pop shove-it, and hit the bottom of the board to heelflip.
Shove-It Rewind: Ollie and pop shove-it, then hit the tail forward with your back finger to spin the other way.
Impossible: Ollie and let the board backflip once over your fingers.
Dustin Impossible: Ollie and hit the nose of your board with your back finger to perform a front flip.
Double Impossible: Similar to a double backflip, which may require an extra push from your back finger on the tail.
Flipossible: Half kickflip and catch the board upside down on the tail with your pointer finger to half impossible.
Hard Flip: Half backflip and heelflip combination.
Hard Flip Rewind: Same as a hard flip but doing a front flip and heelflip combination.
Double hard Flip: This is a double hard flip, which is a full backflip and double heelflip.
One Wheel Ollie: Roll your board on one of the back wheels and ollie.
Kickflip: Ollie and catch the nose of your board with your front finger to rotate the board toward you in one rotation.
Double Kickflip: Same as a kickflip but with two rotations.
Triple Kickflip: Three full kickflip rotations, which requires more pressure on both the tail pop and front finger catch while keeping control.
Varial Kickflip: A combination of a kickflip and a pop shove-it.
Late Flip: This trick is a kickflip, but you wait until the last second to perform the kickflip as the board is moving toward the ground.
Kickflip Underflip: Ollie high and kickflip on the way up, then push the board the other way to heelflip on the way down.
Thumb Flip: Perform a kickflip, but instead of your front finger tapping the nose of the board, use your thumb to flip it.
Heelflip: Like a kickflip but rotation the board away from you instead of toward you.
Varial Heelflip: Start with a shove-it and flick out for a heelflip.
Laser Flip (360 Varial Heelflip): Perform a varial heelflip (shove-it into a heelflip); however, rotate the board one full rotation (360 degrees) instead of half a rotation (180 degrees).
Walk The Dog: Pivot the fingerboard a half rotation, or 180 degrees while switching your finger placement.
360 Flip (Tre Flip): Perform half a kickflip and half a backflip.
Cabbalerial (Full Cab): Perform a 360 in the air while riding fakie.
Half Cab: Perform a 180 in the air while riding fakie.
Knuckler: Ollie high and slap the tail of your board while in the air, letting the board roll over your knuckles, then roll off your fingers for landing.
Superman: Ollie high, leave your middle finger on the board, and stick your pointer and ringer finger down in the air before landing.
Flap Jack: Similar to a knuckler where you hit the tail and let the board roll onto your knuckles. However, instead of rolling forward off your fingers, flip the board either toward your thumb or pinky for a half flip or backflip to land it.
Air Walk: Ollie high and move your fingers like you are walking in the air.
Nose Grab Air Walk: Same as an air walk, but place your thumb under the nose of the board to represent a nose grab.
Back Flip: Hit the tail of your board hard enough for one full flip backward.
Front Flip: Hit the nose of your board hard enough for one full flip forward.
Half Flip: Hit the nose or tail hard, and once you have completed half of a back or front flip, catch the board with your fingers and bring it back the way it came.
Surface Back Flip: Put the back wheels on a higher surface than the front wheels, ollie, and backflip while landing with the front wheels on the elevated surface.
Surface Front Flip: Put the front wheels on a higher surface than the back wheels, nollie, and front flip while landing with the back wheels on the elevated surface.
180 No Comply: Instead of performing an ollie, take your front finger off the board at the start of this trick. Use your back finger to pop the board while scooping it toward you to rotate the board half of a turn.
Big Spin: Roll the board switch, then kick your fingerboard into a 360 with your back finger while twisting your wrist to turn your hand 180 degrees.
Benihana: Ollie high and take your fingers off the board while only supporting it with your thumb, then land.
Crossbone: Ollie so your board is pointed up at a 45-degree angle, and put your thumb on the nose.
Diagonal Flip (Typhoon): Use your back finger to push hard and fast on the side of the tail of your board. The board will spin in random directions, then gain control with your fingers on the grip tape and land it.
Frontside Boneless: Nollie off a ledge and spin the board 180 degrees.
Moonwalk (Double Backflip): Get air off of a ramp, and push the tail of your board with your back finger to do a backflip, then hit the board with your front finger in the same direction to do another backflip. With a lot of air, you can do many backflips while mimicking a moonwalk.
Remote Flip: Perform a pop shove-it, but keep your rear finger on the board.
Manual: Ride on the back two wheels only.
Nose Manual: Ride on the front two wheels only.
Uni-Wheeler (Front and Rear): Ride on one wheel only.
Super Flip: With no fingers on the board, hit the tail down to perform one backflip, then catch the board on the grip tape to land it.
Ike Flip: Half ollie impossible and kickflip with your back finger.
Frontside Varial Heelflip: With your front finger on the edge of the nose furthest from you and your rear finger on the edge of the tail closest to you, pop the tail away to let the board flip.
Helicopter: Get air off of a ramp and do half a backflip. Before landing, keep your back finger in the middle of the board on the grip tape and use your front finger to spin the board like a helicopter.
Inward Heelflip: Pop shove-it (180-degree rotation) towards you while performing a heelflip.
Outward Heelflip: Pop shove-it (180-degree rotation) away from you while performing a heelflip.
One-and-a-half Kickback: Do half a kickflip, then a full heelflip the other way.
Compton Spin: Ride in nollie stance and take your back finger off the board to pop the board up 90 degrees, then use your back finger to heelflip and land.
Flat Flip: Ollie to a wallride and perform an impossible while still wall riding.
Wheelslide: Ride the board sideways to slide on the wheels instead of rolling.
Darkslide Flatland: Ollie and do half a kickflip or heelflip to land on the grip tape, then use your finger to flip the board for the other half of the flip to land.
Grab Tricks
Hand Plant: Get air off a ramp, and hold the board with your front and back finger while pressing on the ramp with your thumb.
Gymnast Plant: Perform a hand plant but extend the board further to be horizontal.
Fastplant: Ollie and grab board immediately, then let go of board right away.
Foot Stomp: While riding, pinch the middle of the board with your front finger on one side and rear finger on the other. Hit your pinky finger on the ground while raising the board up, then let go and catch the board on the grip tape with both fingers to land.
Mute: Grab the board with your thumb on the top and pointer finger on the bottom.
Method: Grab the board with your pointer finger on the top and thumb on the bottom.
Tail: Grab the board with your thumb on the top of the tail and your middle finger on the bottom of the tail.
Nose: Grab the board with your thumb on the bottom of the nose and your pointer finger on the top of the nose.
Indy Grab: Grab the board with your thumb on the top of the board and your middle finger on the bottom.
Christ Air: Off a jump, tap the nose of the board down with your pointer finger while pinching the back with your middle finger and ring finger.
Sacktap: Ollie and grab the board with your pointer finger and ring finger before landing.
Madonna: Off a ramp, put your thumb on the bottom of the board and your ring finger and middle finger on the top with your index and pinky pointed out and up.
Pogo Air: Ollie to a half backflip and grab the board with your pointer finger on the bottom of the nose and your middle finger on the top of the nose (grip side).
Grinds and Ground Tricks
Carve: Simply a big, fast, and tight turn, usually on a vert ramp.
Rail Walk: Go up a vert ramp and walk the dog across the coping.
50-50: Grind with both trucks on the rail.
Slammin Grind: Do a 50-50 grind but with the front right wheel rolling on the rail.
Stomach Slide: Ollie and do a half kickflip or heelflip to then grind on your grip tape in a boardslide formation.
Spine Slide: Ollie and half kickflip or heelflip to grind on your grip tape in a 50-50 grind formation.
Nasal Slide: Ollie and half kickflip or heelflip to grind on the screws closest to the nose of your board.
Pelvis Slide: Ollie and half kickflip or heelflip to grind on the screws closest to the tail of your board.
Tail Grind (5-0): Grind only on the back truck with the front of your board in the air.
Nose Grind: Grind only on the front truck with the back of your board in the air.
Dark Nose Slide: Perform a noseslide upside down.
Big Hitter Noseslide: Perform a noseslide one-fingered (front finger in the air).
Big Hitter Tailslide: Perform a tailslide one-fingered (back finger in the air).
Crooked Grind: Grind on your front truck crooked.
Crooked Casper Slide: Perform a casper slide crooked on the curved part of the board.
Salad Grind: Perform a 5-0 (tail grind) crooked.
Board Slide: Grind on the bottom of your board with your front and back trucks in the air.
The Railer: Do a 5-0 (tail grind), then lift the nose of your board to only grind on the board and not the rear truck.
Smith Grind: Perform a tail grind with your front truck rubbing on the side.
Dark Smith: Grind on your griptape with your tail on the rail and your nose off the edge.
Darkslide: Grind on the center of your griptape with your index and ring finger on the grip tape and your middle finger in between the trucks.
Bluntside: Grind on the tail of your board and wheels with the nose of your board in the air.
Kasper Bluntside: Perform an upside-down bluntside (on the griptape).
Psycho Grind: Tailslide with your board completely vertical.
Primo Grind: Grind like a 50-50 but on the side of your board.
Nose Primo Grind: Same as a primo grind but with only the nose wheels rubbing the side.
Feeble Grind: Grind like a boardslide, but with one wheel from the back and one wheel from the front touching the rail.
Hurricane Grind: Start with a 50-50 grind and turn out of it to only grind on the back truck.
Benihana Casper: Casper in a benihana slide positioning.
Ghetto Slide: Similar to a dark slide, but with your front finger in front of the front wheels and your back finger behind the front wheels.
Rail To Rail: Ollie off a rail to land a grind on a second rail.
Rocket Tailslide: Perform a tailslide while grabbing the nose of your board with your thumb and index finger.
Bluntstall: Stall on the coping of a vert ramp on your tail.
Nosestall: Stall on the coping of a vert ramp on your nose.
Management: Grind on two rails at the same time with your front trucks on one rail and your back trucks on the other.
Start with the basic tricks until you have mastered all of the fundamentals. Take your time with learning each trick, and once you have mastered many of these tricks, you can try adding extra rotations, spins, and try riding switch or fakie.
Make sure you save this ultimate fingerboard trick list so you can always come back to find new tricks to learn.