How To Nollie North & South On A Fingerboard
A nollie north is a nollie where your front (index) finger comes off the nose mid-air. Conversely, a Nollie south is a nollie where your back (middle) finger comes off the tail.
To nollie north, pop a nollie, but lift your index finger up and away from the board as you level it out with your middle finger. To nollie south, pop a nollie, but flick your middle finger off the tail directly backward.
To be able to do these tricks, you’ll want to have nollies on lock for both. For the nollie south, it will help to have nollie flips down. Here’s how to do both.
Step 1: Finger Positioning
Finger positioning for both tricks is exactly the same as it is for the nollie. Middle finger in the middle of the deck, and index finger on the nose.
Step 2: Popping The Trick
Popping these tricks is exactly the same as a nollie: pop the nose down with your index finger. The difference lies in how each trick is flicked:
Nollie North: after popping the nose down, lift your index finger up away from the board. Continue to level out the board with your middle finger the same as you would do for a nollie.
Nollie South: flick your middle finger off the tail very much like you would for a nollie flip. Except instead of flicking off the side of the tail, gently flick directly off the middle of the it. Pull your middle finger up and backward to allow the board to level out.
Step 3: Catching The Board And Landing
Nollie North: hold your index finger above the deck until your middle finger levels it out. Right when it levels, bring your index finger down to catch the nose and stomp it down.
Nollie South: after flicking the tail with your middle finger, the deck will level out. Follow the arc of the board with your index finger the whole time. Your index finger should not leave the deck. Once its level, place your middle finger back on the deck and stomp it down.
Final Thoughts
Nollie norths and nollie souths are not the exact opposite of the ollie variations. North and south mean “front and back” respectively when talking about which finger comes off the board. For example, your index finger comes off for both an ollie north and a nollie north.